BASE For Peace

Austrian jumper Gerald Leberl had the idea to make a record BASE jump to raise awareness of UN International Peace day (aka World Peace Day) the 21st of September.

So he put together a team of 21 jumpers to meet at the ITW to break the existing 11 way record.

The weather was against the attempt and had to be rescheduled twice. Many of the original team were unable to make the 3rd attempt so it took some luck and determination to find enough jumpers.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the project, especially those who couldn’t make the final attempt, thank you for taking time to come to ITW as your support is appreciated.

The jump dedicated to Will Heidelbrecht, who sadly passed away in Lauterbrunnen just after the record.

As the air space at ITW is not best suited to a simultaneous launch a 4 wave exit chosen, with everyone being in freefall together (13 trackers and 8 ws).

Footage from the jump can be seen here:

Courtesy of unclecharlie95

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