Tag Archives: Middle East

Douggs Adds to Legacy with BASE jump in Kuwait

In case you missed it…there are lots of photos on Instagram of the jump as it took place.

414m fall  into the history books and hearts of the Kuwaiti people…


~from Chris’s Facebook Status Feed

Holy Shit…..we did it 🙂 Kuwait’s first 2 base jumps ever and achieved in perfect Aussie style 🙂 I am so proud to have a whole country support me in our joint dreams! I really hope i can be appreciated in my home country of Australia one day but in the mean time…… I am happy to make the rest of the world happy while my country is busy being ultra gay!…..Oz is missing out. Lucky you like cricket Aussies!!!!

I am so happy and Proud of base jumping right now and the fact that East VS West means absolutely nothing to the real human being!…… fuck the Governments and may happiness and love rule the universe and adventure sports 🙂


Congratulations Chris!

Al Hamra Tower Poster